Get to know me
About Me
Hi, I'm Siebe Hannosset
I am passionate about maximizing the potential of high performers such as entrepreneurs, managers and top athletes. With a background as a sports scientist and after experiences as a performance coach at Club Brugge, I have spent the past few years delving into methods and tools that take both mental and physical health and performance to a higher level.
My approach is focused on making the invisible visible and making the unconscious conscious. Together we discover your pitfalls and limiting beliefs, so that you can overcome them. I facilitate the connection between body, mind, heart and soul, which stimulates personal development and growth.
With 17 years of experience as a coach, I have guided more than 1,000 people individually and helped more than 10 teams. As a teacher, I trained 500 professionals, and with an average of 50 workshops and keynotes per year, I love to inspire others. I do this using insights from NeuroLinguistic Programming & Intermittent Living , where I always translate the latest scientific insights into practice for you.
A recent highlight in my career is the success of my book Intermittent Living, which was in the top 10 of best-selling books in Belgium for weeks and has since sold more than 10,000. This success reflects my dedication to turn every stone to ensure that you too can become the best version of yourself.
My mission
After a ten year battle with Lyme disease, which seemed incurable for a long time, I found my way to healing thanks to Intermittent Living, among other things. This not only changed my own life, but also allowed me to change the lives of others. That is where my mission was born.
"A story of rock-solid ambitions but also rock-hard lessons. A story of illness but also a story of healing. A story of many questions, but even more answers."
My mission is to inspire you with my way of living, and to give you a toolbox for a healthy and happy life. From stress to trust, from doubt to strength, from chaos to peace, from thinking to feeling, from passenger to driver again.
My approach combines scientific insights with practical tools, so that you not only understand what it takes to excel, but can actually experience and apply this in your daily life.